Young Engineers
For the Young Engineers module, children will be introduced to simple electronics with coding using LED lights, raspberry pi controllers and buzzers. The level of difficulty varies according to their ages.

Robotic Wizards
For the Robotic Wizards module, children will be handling GoPiGo robots. GoPiGo is a robotic tool that enables children to bring their code to live. Children will be programming the robot with sensors, camera and other interactive technology in a more hands-on-method.
The Code Rig
At The Code Rig, our primary focus is to develop coding skills and to increase the interest and knowledge of Science and Math among young children concurrently. We are focused in delivering coding skills and also enhancing their understanding in these subjects thus enabling them to excel academically. By using basic electronic components and robotics, we open doors for young children to be exposed to hands on tasks and activities thus putting them one step ahead in the upcoming era of science & technology.